‘It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get back up.’

-Vince Lombardi

My name is Adithya and I have been a student at HPMS for 10 years. I play the violin, love sports and enjoy building legos. Our unique middle school has allowed me to become a better leader and help me define exactly what kind of high school experience I’m looking for.

Project Based Learning

Through theme-based units, we’re able to explore questions that interest us and create individual projects while collaborating on multimedia research papers. Below are a few projects I’ve worked on.

Balloon Launch

Every year our school launches a weather balloon into space. This year, I worked on the media & broadcast team that helped livestream our launch to our community. I also built a web gallery to share our experience.

Power Unit

For our Power unit I explored luxury brands and how people perceive their value. I created a presentation that I shared with our community.

Montessori Model UN


I participated in Montessori Model UN for three years and was a delegate as well as a member of the press. This experience allowed me to expand my knowledge of government and world politics, as well as create some great position papers.


I enjoy playing the violin. It is very challenging and helps me work through my frustrations to new learning.

Hobbies, Sports and Time with Family

I have been part of our HPMS basketball game since we first started a team when I was in fourth grade. I love sports and hope to explore more in high school including football.

Here’s a short clip of an amazing assist I made to my friend Luka that helped us win the game!

Here are some photos of me and my family. We love to travel, visit family in India and go to sports events. I’m so grateful for my family, friends and experience at HPMS. It has all prepared me for what’s next!

Thanks for visiting my portfolio! For more of our student work visit
