
'Don't doubt your values. Don't run from who you are.'

- Aslan the Lion, Narnia

I am Grace Noor Hoban. I have been attending HPMS for 11 years now.  I really like dogs. I'm not the best speller in the world. I turn things in on time. I have read all of the Narnia books, Percy Jackson & Harry Potter. I also used to like Little House on the Prairie.

My portfolio includes some of my best work from middle school in STEM & Humanities as well as my personal passion, horseback riding. I hope you consider me to be a new addition to your school. See you soon!

stem & Innovation

I am a quiet but insightful problem solver, which is why I love science and STEM. Being able to collaborate on projects and create new ideas is interesting and fun, and my school encourages us to do that a lot!

Project Based Learning

Through my Middle School experience, our teachers have grown our PBL program and now we spend our whole afternoon every day working with all different subjects. Our first unit this year is Bridges. Below are some images from my project, and you can see the whole unit here.

what is the connection between creator and viewer?

This is our STEM Balloon Launch project. We send a balloon into space to retrieve data. We have to program the computer & camera elements and build everything ourselves!

This is my STEM fair project from 2016. I worked with Nicole Fitzgerald and Sadie Crout to create an automatic hair braider. We learned how to ideate, prototype and iterate.

humanities & Storytelling

I love to tell stories, read and explore history. Here is some of my favorite work from Middle School.

We studied Julius Caesar in 7th grade. My group decided to make a ‘Gladiatorade’ commercial and also created Chariot-O’s cereal. I wrote the script and helped with the edit.

For our last project in 7th grade, we did an Identity project. I wore a GoPro for an entire day to show how I see myself vs how the world sees me.

Middle School Anthology

Last year the Middle School decided that we would combine all of our poetry and short story writing from the year into an anthology, and work to create one every year. Below is my short story, as well as a few images of our cover, table of contents and about the author page. You can download our book for free here, and click on the image to read my entire story, The Charlesville Bridge is Down.

You can experience some of my other writing by clicking here.

Montessori Model UN

Last year I participated in Montessori Model UN. It was a great experience that taught me about world issues, collaboration and solving problems to bring peace. Here is my position paper on The Crisis in the Mediterranean.

Truman Trial

At the end of 7th grade, we were studying World War II, and decided to put President Harry Truman on trial for crimes against humanity. Everyone participated, and our STEM teacher Shawn even played Truman for us! Our humanities teacher Miss Cynthia is an incredible lawyer so she was our judge.

My role was to be a survivor of the Nanking Massacre.

hobbies & Interests

I love animals, especially horses, and have been riding for 6 years. I also love to travel and this summer got to visit the Galapagos Islands. More animals!

Thanks for visiting my portfolio!

See more of our middle school work by visiting:
